Friday, 21 September 2012

Why You Should Never Give Up, A Nick Vujicic Story

Life is full of challenges.  Knowing how to stay the course will get you through the obstacles.  I'm sharing my life story, not for some "Feel Sorry for Me World Tour," but rather in the hopes of providing comfort, direction, and inspiration for others.  We all make choices, life altering choices, so think before you act.  Choose wisely.
People have a lot to say and I've heard my fair share along the way.  Words can hurt, I know, but they can also lift you up.  Repeating “Never Give Up” provides comfort, but it's not just a matter of will. Whether surviving abuse, overcoming addiction, coping with loss, or living with a disability, you must carry on and learn to lean on others.  First admit that you need help, accept assistance, and then take a step in the right direction.  Strengthen your resolve, but don't get caught up in the, "I'll do it my own way" routine.

Things are not always what they seem in the moment.  See through the darkness and experience a brighter tomorrow.  Hold on.  Your life has meaning.  Keep going!

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