High Fat Foods
It’s always a huge temptation when you’re out running errands to swing into the next fast food joint and grab a quick bite to eat, but you should avoid eating fast food because the majority of it contains a large amount of fat. Fatty foods can cause damage to the hypothalamus area of the brain. This is the area that produces the hormones that control thirst and hunger, moods and sleep, and many other functions of the body. When you eat a lot of high-fat foods, the hypothalamus can become inflamed and hinder the production of the important hormones. Fast food has also been associated with brain shrinkage, which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
Foods that contain a lot of salt can cause problems with your cardiovascular system such as high cholesterol and blood pressure, water retention leading to swelling and bloating, and can also affect the way your brain functions. If you consume a lot of sodium in your diet, you should change that right away because sodium can cause a decrease in cognitive functions.
Fried Foods
When food is fried in cooking oil compounds are released from the cooking oil that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Not to mention that fried foods do awful things to the rest of your body. Instead of eating fried foods, switch them up with baked or grilled foods to increase your overall health.
Processed Meat
Eating meats like hot dogs and packaged lunch meats are bad for you because they contain processed protein and saturated fats, which can slow down your mind’s ability to process information. Processed protein is also hard on your digestive system and does not give you the same benefits as non-processed proteins do. Skip the processed proteins and stick with foods like tuna, salmon, and eggs to get your required amount of protein each day. Keep in mind that too much protein can also be bad for you, so eat it in moderation.
Artificial Sweeteners
Many people opt for artificial sweeteners over sugar to cut down on calories or because they just like the way they taste, but artificial sweeteners can have a negative effect on your cognitive abilities and can actually cause brain damage.
Maintaining a healthy diet is not only important for the health and function of your brain, but also for the health of the rest of your body. Eating a healthy diet can reduce neurological problems, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and obesity. It’s also wise if you stay active and exercise both your mind and your body.
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